The FreeStyle

The freestyle now is getting more and more popular around the world, a lot of freestylers are getting more popular for the effect of the fashion, for example you will obviously know Wos, Chuty, Aczino or Bnet. In the world there are a lot of different competitions to find out who is the best freestyler of the world, the most popular and big event in the Spanish culture which is The Red Bull. There are a lot of competitions in every Spanish speaker country. For example the FMS which are on for each country, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and I the following year there will be the FMS of Peru. The God Level is another international event, its last edition the competitors where battling in pairs, team versus team until arriving to the big final. Some event specifics from the countries are for example: Quinto Escalón which has already finished forever (Argentina); Dem which is in Chile and El Club de la Pelea in Mexico.
I’m going to explain you the performance of the most common and constant event during the year, The FMS. As I said nowadays there are only 4 different FMS but in the future the will be 5 or even more. In each country there are 10 participants which battle together during 9 days to win points and get to the top of the ranking and finally win the trophy of the best freestyler in the country. In Spain the best during the 3 seasons is Chuty one of the best in the world. The FMS have another international part, which is the FMS International with 4 days in each country to get the classification for the big final in Peru. Now there are 16 classified, 6 of them are from Spain, 4 from Mexico, 3 from Chile and 3 from Argentina.
In this type of battle in FMS is composed by 6 rounds, the Easy mode, Hard mode, Thematic, Opposite Characters, Blood Minutes and the Deluxe. The most interesting part of the battle for me is the Blood Minutes and the Deluxe. The Deluxe is especially interesting because of the two parts; the first is acapella, without a beat and with really good verses, then the 4X4 whit an intense interchange of rhymes.
Resultat d'imatges per a "freestyle"
In this type of battles they measure the quality of freestyler by scoring the verses with numbers between the 0 and the 4. The measure the punchline and then in additional points the judges punctuate the flow, the skills and finally the acting. By the summation of all the points, at the end we can easily see who’s the winner but, when de difference is less than 5 points it means that is “replica” that means that there is an extra round to find out the final winner.
In my opinion the best freestylers of the time are: Chuty (Spain), Stuart (Argentina), El Menor (Chile), RC (Mexico) and from Peru Jaze. The fact is that I can’t choose Aczino as the best freestyler from Mexico ‘cause now he is retired from the FMS and most of the competitions where he was used to compete, the similar case with Wos and Trueno.
