My trip to Florida

In this new entrance I’m going to explain my trip to Florida, in this case I was called to take part of an international team, Dixon Sport, with other players from around of the country and we went to Florida to play in the AUU tournament.
Well, we played two tournaments, we spent there about one month in a house of an urbanisation with some lakes around plenty of alligators, really terrifying, no way in the first tournament we couldn’t get  to the final but in the second one we arrived to the final, unfortunately we lose for only one point. It was a really good experience because it’s really different de basketball in the United States, the players there are really stronger they training in the gym since they are only 12 years old so they are stronger than the players in our country, for the other side in Spain we have more technique this was we only advantage versus them the technique and the skills, there were faster and stronger but we beat some teams and we finally get into the final. If you are used to play in the way here in Spain or Europe if you go to the United States you will find a really big difference not only in terms of the people, even in the different rules that get you and advantage in the game.
In conclusion it’s a really exciting experience that I have to recommend to any basketball player because you will learn a lot.
